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Purchase one full week of tuition for 1 camper for $290.00


Week 1: June 2 - June 6

Week 2: June 9 - June 13

Week 3: June 16 - June 20

Week 4: June 23 - June 27

Week 5: June 30 - July 3

Week 6: July 7 - July 11

Week 7: July 14 - July 18

Week 8: July 21 - July 25


* No camp Friday, July 4

Camper Tuition

  • Tuition includes lunch, snack, morning care, aftercare and all fieldtrip fees and activity costs.

    • Tuition is not applied from your account until you are present at camp. (i.e. if you pay for a week and are unable to attend, we will apply it to the week that you are present)
    • Unused tuition will roll over. (i.e. if you pay for a full week but only attend 3 days, we will roll over the unused tuition to another week)
    • Tuition is due every Monday or the first day that your child attends camp that week.
  • All refunds must go through and be approved by the Camp Director. Please visit our Camp Office and see our Camp Director, Joe Carter.


    Camp Director, Joe Carter



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