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Camp Policies

Camper Handbook

Please click on the above link to read through our 2025 CIS Summer Guide. It is the parent's responsibility to become familiar with the policies in the Camp Indian Springs Handbook.


Media Release

I understand that aspects of Camp Indian Springs may be recorded by audio or visual means, and may be used to promote Camp Indian Springs in future ads, brochures, or promotions.


I hereby release and discharge the Camp Indian Springs program from any liability arising out of or in connection with making, processing, reproduction, or exhibition of videotapes or photographs promoting Camp Indian Springs. 



Parents Permission and Indemnity

We the undersigned, do hereby give our consent for him/her to attend any field trip or any other activity sponsored by Camp Indian Springs scheduled to take place during the summer of 2025. We consent to and authorize our child being transported to and from each said activity in (a) a commercial bus, (b) a Indian Springs School bus or other public conveyance, arranged for by Camp Indian Springs.


We have adequate medical and hospital insurance in case an injury is incurred by our child while being transported to and from and/or while participating in said activities. The name of our medical/hospital insurance company is included in the registration form.

In consideration of the owner/operator of the motor vehicle transporting our child to any said activities, and in further consideration of the Camp Indian Springs undertaking said activity for the benefit of the campers, including our child:


(1) We do hereby further give our consent for all emergency medical care (including surgery, if deemed necessary and recommended by at least two attendant physicians) prescribed by a duly licensed physician for our child in the event of injury during the course of any said activity, including transportation to and from said activity. This emergency medical care may be given under whatever conditions are deemed necessary, or whatever conditions may exist, so as to preserve the life, limb, or well-being of our child.


(2) We do hereby further agree to forever indemnify, exonerate, hold harmless and defend the owner/operator of the transportation vehicle, Camp Indian Springs, its employees, from any and all claims, demands, actions and causes of action, arising out of or pertaining to any bodily injury or death sustained by our child in an accident occurring during the course of said activity authorized by Camp Indian Springs, including transportation to and from said activity, and including any emergency medical and/or surgical treatment for our child.


(3) This indemnity applies, in all events, to the extent that any such injury, damage, illness, or death to our child is not covered by applicable and enforceable liability insurance available to the parents.


(4) We do assume all risks and hazards incidental to or attendant with our child’s participation in said activity, and in each phase of it. 

Medication Policy

If your child requires medication, please fill out the attached form and email to or you can give it to a staff member on your first day of camp. We want to make sure that your camper's care is our top priority!


CIS Medication Form



Other Policies


Camp Hours

You can drop off as early as 6:30 am and pick up as late as 6:00 pm. You are allowed to drop off and pick up any time during that window. The majority of our camp activities will fall between 9-3 each day, but we do offer morning care from 6:30-9:00 am, as well as after care from 3:00-6:00 pm each day for no additional charge. 


Car Tags

You must have your car hang tag visible at all times while on campus. This is how the guard will identify you to be allowed on campus, and it is also how we identify you and your campers when you are dropping off each morning. If you were not able to make it to any of the open house sessions to get yours, please make sure that you allow for a few additional minutes to pick one up on your campers first day. 


Drop Off

If you are dropping off between 6:30-9:00 am, we will have camp workers outside with clipboards signing the kids in as you drop them off. You will use the second entrance to the gym parking lot to form the dropoff line and you will not have to get out of your car to drop. If you are after 9:00 and the counselors are no longer outside, you will have to come into the camp office to sign your camper in, and we will then get them to their group.


Pick Up

Each day, we will have a carpool pickup line from 3:00-3:30. The setup will resemble after school carpool pick from an elementary school. You will take the second entrance to the gym parking lot to get in line. We will bring the kids out to the car and you will be on your way. If you are not able to pick up by 3:30, your camper will automatically start after care.  At that point, you will be required to park and enter the gym to sign out your campers. If you have to enter the gym to sign out your campers, you will have to have your ID to sign them out.



All checkouts will require you to come into the camp office with your ID to sign out the campers. We request that you not check out your camper after 2:45 if at all possible as we will be preparing for carpool at that point and they will be dismissed shortly after. Only people on your camper's approved list that you provided when you signed them up will be able to check them out unless you let the camp office know in advance.  


What to Bring

Each camper is required to wear their camp shirt each day. They will also need to bring a water bottle with them. We will have water coolers set up across campus for them to refill throughout the day. Please put your camper's name on all water bottles. We have quite a collection of bottles that usually starts building on the first day and it helps immensely if the bottles are easily identified. They are allowed to bring a bag with them if necessary, but please have a name on those as well. 


What not to bring

We ask that all toys, video games, phones and any other items of value be left at home. We understand it is not always feasible for certain situations to leave phones at home, but we are not responsible for any items that are lost or damaged while at camp. 



Included in your camp fee is both lunch and snack. Indian Springs has an excellent kitchen staff that feeds their students throughout the school year. The same staff will be feeding our campers this summer. One of our best selling points is never having to pack a lunch because you know they are getting an excellent meal while at camp. With that being said, you know your camper. If you have a picky eater that is not going to eat what we are offering, we ask that you send lunch with them to make sure they are getting something to eat each day. Here are the rotating Lunch Menus


We have an afternoon snack each day between 2:00-3:00 pm depending on the age group. Just like lunch, most love what we serve, but you are welcome to send something in with your camper if you wish. There are several campers with nut allergies, so we ask that not items containing nuts be brought into camp for the safety of other campers. 


Camp Cost

We will roll over remaining dollar credits from one week to the next, but do not roll over full days. The cost if paying with cash/check in the office is $90/day or $290/week, whichever is cheaper for you. If you pay for a full week for $290 for your camper, and end up only using 2 days, you are charged $180, and $110 is rolled over to the next week. We ask that you only pay for 1 week at a time. 


How to Pay

If you are paying with check, you can hand it to the counselors at drop off. Please put the camper's name in the memo on all checks. If you are paying with cash, all transactions must take place in the office so that you can be issued a paper receipt. If you are paying with a card, it has to be done on our website, and the rates will reflect credit card transaction fees.



We do not provide sunscreen, so we ask that parents please apply it each day before children arrive at camp. Campers can bring sunscreen with them each day to reapply.


Field Trips/Waivers

Each week we will have a field trip somewhere nearby. Some of those trips require you to sign and fill out waivers for your camper to participate. Please make sure to help us out and fill those forms out as quickly as possible. 


Weekly Schedules

Weekly schedules are posted for each age group on the website. You will be able to see what your camper is doing throughout the day and which activities fall on each day.

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